Reporting a bug to py-linq-sql


  1. Check that you have the latest version of py-linq-sql.
  2. Check if the bug was not corrected in a more recent version of py-linq-sql.
  3. Check if the bug is not already reported.
  4. Reproduce the bug in the latest stable version of py-linq-sql.

Create the issue


Named the issue by : "BUG" + '_module_' + 'little description'.

example : "BUG _canonize_ do not sort parameters".


Bug description, as many detailed as possible.

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the bug in a list, as many detailed as possible.

1. 2. 3.

Expected behavior

Expected result by py-linq-sql.

Actual behavior

Current result given by py-linq-sql.

Reproduces how often

How many times have you reproduced the bug.


In which version of py-linq-sql the bug is present.

Additional Information

All other information that may be useful.