The py-linq-sql configuration file

py-linq-sql supports three different configuration files:

  • .pylinqsql-conf.toml
  • .pylinqsql-conf.yaml
  • pyproject.toml

The configuration file is load the first time you create an SQLEnumerable in this priority order:

  • toml config file
  • yaml config file
  • pyprojects

Read only

The config file allows you to specify if you want or not make alteration commands. By default, readonly configuration is false but you can pass it to true in the config file to prohibit the alteration of tables.

You can see examples of this config here.

Black and white list

The config file allows you to specify a black list and a white list. Those lists govern the tables to which you have access or not. The black and white lists are optional if you do not want to specify one or both this is possible. If a list isn't specified this list will be equal to None by default.

If you haven't a config file (or no config section for py-linq-sql in pyprojects.toml) by default black and white lists will be equal to None.

You can see examples of those list here.

The rules for black and white lists are blacklist always has priority over the whitelist. Some specific cases are summarized in the table below.

'/' means: no matter who you are.

Who I am Whitelist Blacklist Results
/ None None True
/ None [] True
/ [] None False
/ [] [] False
/ [] [a, b, c] False
a [a, b, c] None True
d [a, b, c] None False
a None [a, b, c] False
d None [a, b, c] True
a [a, b, c] [] True
d [a, b, c] [] False
a [a, b, c] [a, b, c] False
d [a, b, c] [a, b, c] False
a [a, b, c] [b, c] True
b [a, b, c] [b, c] False
a [b, c] [a, b, c] False
b [b, c] [a, b, c] False

Examples of configuration files

Toml configuration file


whitelist = ["toto", "titi"]
blacklist = ["tata", "tutu"]
readonly = true

Yaml configuration file


    whitelist: ["toto", "titi"]
    blacklist: ["tata", "tutu"]
    readonly: true

Pyproject configuration file



whitelist = ["toto", "titi"]
blacklist = ["tata", "tutu"]
readonly = true